Reproduction in Animals NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science

Reproduction in Animals NCERT Solutions

Reproduction in Animals is a chapter in Class 8 Science syllabus. This chapter talks about the modes of reproduction in animals. Fertilization and how it takes place in human beings.


Reproduction in animals NCERT Solutions

Question 1: Explain the importance of reproduction in organisms.

Ans 1: Reproduction is an important phenomenon that helps the organism to produce its identical young ones. It is important for the existence of that organism on earth. It helps the organism to continue the chain of its generation.


Question 2: Describe the process of fertilization in human beings

Fertilization takes place in the female body. The sperms are motile. Out of all the sperms a single sperm comes in contact with the ova (egg) released by female body. It occurs in the ampula of the fallopian tube. It then forms a fertilized egg called zygote. The zygote is known as diplod zygote.

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Question 3: Choose the most appropriate answer

(a) Internal fertilisation occurs in:

(i) in female body

(ii) outside the female body

(iii) in male body

(iv) outside the male body

Ans a)  in female body

(b) A tadpole develops into an adult frog by the process of

(i) fertilization

(ii) metamorphosis

(iii) embedding

(iv) budding

Ans (b) metamorphosis

(c) The number of nuclei present in zygote is

(i) none

(ii) one

(iii) two

(iv) four

Ans one


Question 4:Indicate whether the following statements are True or False

  1. Oviparous animals give birth to young ones
  2. Each sperm is a single cell
  3. external fertilization takes place in frog
  4. A new human individual develops from a cell called gamete
  5. Egg laid after fertilization is made up of a single
  6. Amoeba reproduces by budding
  7. Fertilization is necessary even in Asexual reproduction
  8. Binary fission is a method of asexual reproduction
  9. An embryo is made up of a single cell
  10. A zygote is formed as a result of fertilization.


  1. False
  2. True
  3. true
  4.  false
  5. true
  6.  false
  7.  false
  8. True
  9. False
  10. True
Question 5: Give two differences between zygote and foetus     

Ans 5:


1. Zygote is unicellular

2. Zygote is formed by the fertilization of sperm cell and ovum



1. Foetus is multicellular

2.An embryo develops into a foetus

3. Foetus resembles a human body and all parts start becoming visible.


Question 6: Define asexual reproduction give two methods of asexual reproduction in animals

Ans 6: Asexual reproduction is that mode of reproduction in which there is no fusion between male and female gamete for the formation of zygote.  In this mode of reproduction only a single parent

Let us see some of the methods of asexual reproduction

Binary fission: This can be seen in amoeba. In this process a single cell that is the parent cell divides into two individuals. Slowly each individual develops its own nucleus when it separates.

Budding: In this method of asexual reproduction the organism develops a bud ( a bulge ) on its body which then slowly separates from the parent body and develops into an individual organism.


Question 7: In which female organ does the embryo get embedded?

Ans 7: The female organ in which the embryo gets embedded is Uterus


Question 8: What is metamorphosis? Give examples

Ans Metamorphosis is the process in which a larva slowly changes into an adult and it shows different changes in the body. This can be observed in frogs. A tadpole changes into frog. This is the example of metamorphosis.


Question 9: Differentiate between Internal fertilization and External fertilization

  1. 1. Internal fertilization takes place in the female organism body
  2. 2. In this case of fertilization, the chance of survival of the new organism is high as compared to external fertilization.
  3. 3. Examples are mammals and birds

External fertilization

  1. External fertilization occurs outside the organism body.
  2. Unfertilized eggs are produced.
  3. Examples are Fishes

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10. Complete the crossword puzzle using the hints given below.


1. The process of the fusion of the gametes.

6. The type of fertilisation in hen.

7. The term used for bulges observed on the sides of the body of hydra.

8. Eggs are produced here.


2. Sperms are produced in these male reproductive organs.

3. Another term for in vitro fertilisation.

4. These animals lay eggs.

5. A type of fission in amoeba

Ans 10. Answers for both across and down puzzle have been shared below.


1) Fertilization

6) Internal

7) Buds

8) Ovary


2) Testis

3) Zygote

4) Oviparous

5) Binary


So, these were Reproduction in animals  NCERT Solutions. These answers will help you to score good marks in your exams. Don’t forget to subscribe to Careeradvice4u for more such NCERT Solutions for Science and Maths for Class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. This was Deepak Kumar here.


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